
A small collection of html5 scripts and executable files (for Windows only) that I wrote for fun in my spare time and that you can play with.

IMPORTANT: these codes have been tested on desktop only, therefore they may not work properly on tablets and mobiles. Note that some anti-virus software may block the .EXE files when exiting the full screen mode. Moreover, the FPS meter of the html5 scripts may not show the correct frame rate on some desktop devices.

A small collection of html5 scripts and executable files (for Windows only) that I wrote for fun in my spare time and that you can play with.

IMPORTANT: these codes have been tested on desktop only, therefore the download links won’t show up in case you are visiting my website on tablet or mobile.

Formation of a Giant Cluster

Temporal evolution of a giant cluster in an Erdős–Rényi network. The cluster undergoes a topological phase transition after the number of edges per vertex equals 1, and it rapidly grows and covers the whole network.
Please find herewith the link to the html5 script and the link to the .EXE file.


This is a new version of the script that I created with the Python’s library Pygame.

The Python script is available at this link, while a compressed folder containing both the script and the necessary support files can be downloaded from this link.

3D Brain

A 3D model of the human brain whose areas have been colored according to the Triune Brain theory of Paul D. MacLean (Blue = Neomammalian Complex, Brown = Paleomammalian Complex, Green = Reptilian Complex). The 3D models of brain areas are from BodyParts3D/Anatomography, website maintained by Life Science Databases (LSDB). BodyParts3D, © The Database Center for Life Science licensed under CC Attribution-Share Alike 2.1 Japan.
Use the ←, ↑, →, ↓, Z, X keys to rotate the 3D model about the x, y, z axes, and the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.

Please find herewith the link to the .EXE file.


I used the Python’s library vedo to create a new version of the 3D renderer. The new version provides a more detailed 3D model of the human brain, as well as additional body parts not included in the old version, such as the respiratory system, the heart, etc.

The Python script is available at this link, while a compressed folder containing both the script and the 3D meshes can be downloaded from this link.

Solar System

A simple simulation of the solar system. Select a planet in the menu to see some astrophysical data such as orbital period, atmosphere composition, etc.
Please find herewith the link to the html5 script.

Basic Physics Simulation

A simulation of the kinematics of rigid bodies. You can change physical parameters such as linear damping, friction etc, and observe how the bodies behave with the new settings.

Please find herewith the link to the html5 script.

Fluid Simulation

A simulation of fluid-solid interactions, based on Google’s library LiquidFun.
Please find herewith the link to the .EXE file.